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HomeNewcastle5 Best Chiropractors in Newcastle

5 Best Chiropractors in Newcastle

Below is a list of the top and leading Chiropractors in Newcastle. To help you find the best Chiropractors located near you in Newcastle, we put together our own list based on this rating points list.

Newcastle’s Best Chiropractors:

The top rated Chiropractors in Newcastle are:

  • Mark Gordon Chiropractor – registered with the majority of health insurance companies
  • Duncan Lightfoot Chiropractor – a B.C.A. Member and registered with the General Chiropractic Council
  • Dr James O’Malley – has undergone over five years of training to become a skilled practitioner in spinal correction and maintenance
  • Dr Ronald Pierce (Chiropractor) – has a doctorate in Chiropractic, with a master’s emphasis in sports rehabilitation and injury prevention
  • Dr Brittany Baggett (Chiropractor) – a member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association and the United Chiropractic Association

Mark Gordon Chiropractor

Mark Gordon ChiropractorMark Gordon Chiropractor has been providing professional chiropractic care since 2005. He offers different chiropractic techniques that are tailored to the needs of his patients and are guaranteed to give them lasting relief from pain and delivers optimum wellness. Some of the common problems that he treats are mechanical lower back pain and sciatica, neck pain, shoulder and elbow pain, hip problems, knee problems and headaches and migraine. Very thorough with his assistance, he takes time to diagnose the issue and check the cause of the pain that his patients are feeling.

From there, he will offer different spinal and joints manipulation techniques that are guaranteed safe for all patients. He also offers a variety of treatment like dry needling acupuncture, soft tissue techniques, ultrasound and many others. Dedicated to reducing all pain that you are feeling and removing the chances of reoccurrences, he is certainly the best chiropractor to get that will help you get back on track and perform all bodily functions that you have even those intensive exercises and workouts that you are doing from before.


Chiropractic Care, Common Complaints, Kinematics & Movement Analysis


Address: Croft House, 9A Beverley Dr, Swalwell, Newcastle upon Tyne NE16 3EH
Phone: 771 199 8105


“Mark was absolutely amazing today at my first appointment, such a friendly and caring man! He works wonders, the relief I felt just off the first time was unbelievable. Thank you so much!” – Kayla Burns

Duncan Lightfoot Chiropractor

Duncan Lightfoot ChiropractorDuncan Lightfoot Chiropractor is a registered chiropractor that has been serving the whole of Newcastle. A member of the British Chiropractic Association, he aims to deliver high-quality chiropractic support and medical care for all types of people suffering from different body pains that are limiting their movements and activities. Providing full solutions to the different health issues and conditions that you are feeling, he guarantees to provide you with optimum relief from pain and gets you back to your normal active lifestyle in no time.

Offering a range of treatment for a variety of conditions such as lower back pain and sciatica, neck pain, whiplash, migraine and headaches, shoulder and arm pain and hip and knee complaints, he works on understanding the source of your pain and discomfort and apply the necessary pressure and adjustment that will create significant changes in your body and health. Offering a cost-effective solution with initial consultation and treatment starting at £55, he is certainly the best chiropractor that will provide you lasting comfort for your ultimate wellness and wellbeing.


Lower Back Pain and Sciatica, Neck Pain, Whiplash, Migraine and Headaches, Shoulder and Arm Pain, Hip and Knee Complaints


Address: IMSL House, Benton Park Rd, South Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne NE7 7LX
Phone: 773 425 3555


“Duncan is very professional and extremely kind. My 8 years old daughter was really happy after her appointment. Highly recommend.” – Atlantida Sea

Dr James O’Malley

Dr James O’MalleyDr James O’Malley believes in the wonderful benefits chiropractic brings to all his patients through his first-hand experience that is why he is committed to sharing the good quality and effects that chiropractic care can bring to your body. An essential ingredient to achieving optimum health and wellness, constant chiropractic maintenance adjustments ensure the balance and stability of your body that is guaranteed to boost your health and wellbeing. He applies different adjustment techniques from decompression to Clinical Biomechanics of Posture®, cox flexion-distraction, Palmer Package and Activator Methods®.

With his brilliant support and care, he will effectively diagnose all malposition in your body to apply necessary pressure and adjustment that will improve your condition and will allow you to restore all your body movement without feeling any pain and discomfort. He also offers his services to all local business to extend care to all the employees that they have that, in turn, will increase their productivity and generate a positive disposition in life. Tap his services now either for your personal or business needs and see the improvement that he can provide to your health and living.


Chiropractic Techniques, Chiropractic For Business


Address: 3 W Farm Ct, Cramlington NE23 1AX
Phone: 167 073 7788


“Very professional and good advice.” – Lee Henderson

Dr Ronald Pierce (Chiropractor)

Dr. Ronald Pierce (Chiropractor)Dr Ronald Pierce (Chiropractor) is one of the professional chiropractors practising at Centred Chiropractic clinic. Putting your health and wellness as his utmost priority, he takes time to diagnose the condition that you have to supply you with the best solution that will remove the pain that you are feeling, energise and revitalise your body and help you achieve your goals in life. He specialises in sports rehabilitation and injury prevention and uses his wealth of experience and acquired knowledge in treating all his patients and supplying them with the quality care that they deserve.

He treats all types of patients with varying age, gender and difficulties like plantar fasciitis, neck and back pain and pain from lumbar stenosis. He usually applies techniques such as diversified, cox flexion distraction and ART and works with different physiotherapists and athletic trainers particularly in the treatment of athletes and players. Offering a holistic approach to your wellbeing, tap his expert care and assistance now and be stress-free in knowing that a professional and highly reputed chiropractor is handling your needs.


Activator Method, Diversified, Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT), Thompson Drop Table


Address: Arch 3 Westgate Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 1SA
Phone: 191 230 1777


“I have been seeing Dr Ron for a couple of years now and he and the team are incredible at what they do. I started with bad back pain but I was relieved of this after just a few visits. Now, my posture is the best it has ever been and I don’t suffer from any pain thanks so monthly maintenance adjustments. Thank you team!” – Daniel Boyd

Dr Brittany Baggett (Chiropractor)

Dr. Brittany Baggett (Chiropractor)Dr Brittany Baggett (Chiropractor) works hand in hand with all her patients to help them achieve the health goals that they have. With her years of experience in chiropractic, she understands quite well how pain can be crippling and limiting to a person especially those that are living an active lifestyle that is why she is dedicated to providing the most perfect solution that will address the specific needs that they have. She works with all individuals and athletes from varying age group and gender and takes time to analyse their condition and provide the best chiropractic technique that will offer them optimum and lasting relief from pain and discomfort.

Professional and personable, she is open to all patients that will seek her assistance and takes time to educate them of their conditions and the best treatment that they should get to improve the circumstances that the patient has. She also ensures that chiropractic is the best option for them to make them feel comfortable and confident in receiving the treatment that she is suggesting. Hurry and visit her clinic now and start your journey to wellness with her expert help and care.


Activator Method, Diversified, Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT), Thompson Drop Table


Address: Arch 3 Westgate Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 1SA
Phone: 191 230 1777


“I absolutely recommended Centred Chiropractors to everyone young or old! Just try it and you will see the difference it makes to the simplest of everyday tasks!” – Leti Davis

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